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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 329 - International Conference on Black Holes as Cosmic Batteries: UHECRs and Multimessenger Astronomy (BHCB2018) - Main session
Modification in Gravitational Waves Production Triggered by Spontaneous Lorentz Violation
K.M. Amarilo*, M. Barroso Ferreira Filho and R. V. Maluf
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Pre-published on: May 13, 2019
Published on: May 21, 2019
In this work, we search how the production of gravitational waves is corrected by a spontaneous Lorentz violation triggered by the vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the bumblebee vector field (bμ). We consider the modified graviton equations of motion by the dynamics of the bumblebee field. In this formulation the graviton is still non-massive and has two degrees of freedom, but does not has a gauge transformation and the dispersion relation changes from p2=0 to p2+ξ(bμpμ)2=0. Then, we solve these equations considering a current that acts as a source of the radiation. In this case, we apply the method of the Green's function to find a modified quadrupole formula for the perturbation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.329.0015
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