PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 334 - The 36th Annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2018) - Hadron Structure
Nucleon isovector axial charge in 2+1-flavor domain-wall QCD with physical mass
S. Ohta*  on behalf of the the LHP, RBC, and UKQCD Collaborations
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Published on: May 29, 2019
Nucleon isovector vector, \(g_V\), and axialvector, \(g_A\), charges calculated on a 2+1-flavor dynamical domain-wall-fermions (DWF) ensemble at physical mass jointly generated by RIKEN-BNL-Columbia (RBC) and UKQCD Collaborations with lattice cut off of 1.730(4) GeV, are reported with about a percent statistical errors, along with isovector ``scalar,'' \(g_S\), and ``tensor charges,'' \(g_T\). with larger statistical errors. Nucleon mass is estimated as 947(6) MeV. A few standard-deviation systematics is seen in the vector charge, likely from \(O(a^2)\) discretization error through small excited-state contamination. The axialvector charge is found with a few to several standard-deviation systematic deficit, depending on calculation methods, in comparison with the experiment. Nucleon signal is likely lost as early as 10 lattice units or about 1.1 fm in time from the source.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.334.0128
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