Exploiting High-Energy Polarization in Blazars
L. Dreyer* and M. Böttcher
Published on:
July 29, 2019
The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and variability of astrophysical sources can be modeled in many different ways, in particular, the production of $X$-rays and $\gamma$-rays in the SEDs of blazars. High-energy polarimetry can probe the most active jet regions with the most efficient particle accelerations, and thus serve as a powerful tool to distinguish between models. We summarize the scientific potential and model predictions for high-energy polarization of blazar jets. The advantages of using Monte Carlo methods to study high-energy polarization from anisotropic Compton scattering, by thermal and non-thermal particles, will be discussed. This will reinforce the use of measurements of polarization signatures to suggest observational strategies in future projects and to use polarization as a diagnostic to distinguish between leptonic and hadronic high-energy emission from blazars.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.338.0025
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