At LHC Run 2, which started operation in June 2015 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, the
peak luminosity has exceeded $2×10^{34}$ $cm^{−2}$ $s^{−1}$ and the LHC produce an average of 60 simultaneous collisions. The higher luminosity demands a more sophisticated trigger system with increased
use of tracking information.
The Fast Tracker (FTK) is an integral part of the trigger upgrade program for the ATLAS experiment. The FTK is a massively parallel hardware system using ASICs and FPGAs. It operates at
the full Level-1 accepted rate of up to 100 kHz and provides full event track reconstruction for all
tracks with $pT > 1GeV$ with an average latency below 100 µs. The FTK Input Mezzanine Board
is the input interface of the FTK system which performs full reconstruction of all clusters in the
ATLAS Inner Detector. These proceedings report details of the functionality of the FTK Input
Mezzanine Board and its status of installation and commissioning.