The Phase-I Trigger Readout Electronics Upgrade of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters
K. Uno* and on the behalf of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter group
Pre-published on:
May 21, 2019
Published on:
July 25, 2019
Electronics developments that will be implemented during the Phase-I upgrade scheduled in the LHC shutdown period of 2019-2020 have been pursued for the trigger readout of the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeter, which measures the energy of particles. The LAr Trigger Digitizer system, part of the frontend of the calorimeter readout electronics, digitizes 34000 channels at a 40 MHz sampling rate with 12 bit recision after bipolar shaping and transmits the signal to the LAr Digital Processing system off-detector to extract the transverse energies. Results of ASIC developments including QA and radiation hardness evaluations, performance of the final prototypes and results of the system integration tests will be presented along with the overall system design.
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