PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 351 - International Symposium on Grids & Clouds 2019 (ISGC2019) - Physics & Engineering Applications
Design Innovation for Intergenerational Services
S.A. Sanchez Alquijay*, C.A. Jaime Gomez and R.S.M. Wang
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Published on: November 21, 2019
Integration between generations is an opportunity for increased mutual understanding that results from the interaction between both elder and youth, and that benefits independently and as a society level. While it is not always possible for generations to be in close proximity very often, it is important for both youth and seniors to connect with those of different generations. Intergenerational relationships can help people feel a greater sense of fulfilment and with the rapid technological development, innovative services offer a promising platform to achieve this. Design practices and technology offer now an interdisciplinary integrated approach to assess services development and evaluate service innovation. Based on an interdisciplinary integration framework and qualitative research, this study combines the usage of service design tools to develop and prototype an intergenerational platform that enables the connection of elder adults and youth through task service and collaboration. A structural and an empirical service design analysis was developed using an integration of design thinking analysis and service design assessment, and the system was evaluated through a Kano model analysis to support the design innovation creation of a service platform that connects generations through technology.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.351.0019
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