Pomeron was introduced in the framework of the phenomenological Regge theory. It governs the
high-energy asymptotics of various hadronic processes and the small-x behavior of F1 in particular. The best-known contribution to the QCD Pomeron comes from the BFKL equation which
sums Leading Logarithmic (LL) contributions, i.e. the single-logarithmic (SL) contributions multiplied by the overall factor 1/x. The high-energy asymptotics of this resum-
mation is known as the BFKL Pomeron. It predicts that at asymptotically small x, F1 ~ x^{−1−Δ}
where Δ is the intercept of the BFKL Pomeron. In contrast, we calculate F1 in the Double-
Logarithmic Approximation (DLA), accounting for DL contributions of x together with
double-logs of Q^2 to all orders in αs. Such terms are not accompanied by the overall factor 1/x,
so the small-x asymptotics of their sum is ∼ x^{−Δ_{DL}} which looks negligibly small compared to the
BFKL exponent 1+Δ. By this reason the DL contribution to Pomeron was offhandedly ignored
by the HEP community. However, we demonstrate that the intercept ΔDL proves to be so large
that its value compensates for the lack of 1/x. This makes the DL Pomeron and BFKL Pomeron
be equally important. Therefore, DL Pomeron should participate in theoretical analysis whenever
the BFKL Pomeron is accounted for.