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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 354 - High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows VII (HEPRO VII) - Poster Session
Pitch-Angle Diffusion And Bohm-Type Approximations In Diffusive Shock Acceleration
J.D. Riordan and A. Pe'er*
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Published on: February 25, 2020
The problem of accelerating cosmic rays is one of fundamental importance, particularly given the uncertainty in the conditions inside the acceleration sites. Here we examine Diffusive Shock Acceleration in arbitrary turbulent magnetic fields, constructing a new model that is capable of bridging the gap between the very weak (δB/B01) and the strong turbulence regimes. To describe the diffusion we provide quantitative analytical description of the \textquotedbl{}Bohm exponent\textquotedbl{} in each regime. We show that our results converge to the well known quasi-linear theory in the weak turbulence regime. In the strong regime, we quantify the limitations of the Bohm-type models. Furthermore, our results account for the anomalous diffusive behaviour which has been noted previously.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.354.0058
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