PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 356 - The 4th KMI International Symposium (KMI2019) - Posters
Development of the neutron polarizer for the T-violation search using compound nuclei
T. Okudaira
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Pre-published on: November 14, 2019
Published on: December 23, 2019
The fundamental parity violation is enhanced by 10$^{6}$ times at maximum in several neutron induced compound nuclei. There is a theoretical prediction that fundamental T-violating effects can be also
largely enhanced in compound nuclei implying that T-violation can be
searched for by making very sensitive measurements. A T-violation
search experiment using compound nuclei is planned at J-PARC.
Polarized epithermal neutron beam, polarized nuclear target, and high
count rate neutron detector are necessary for the experiment, and
therefore a development of the neutron polarizer using polarized $^3$He
is ongoing at J-PARC in JAEA. Recently, a clean vacuum system to fabricate $^3$He spin filters was constructed, and several $^3$He spin filters were fabricated. The current status of the development of the $^3$He spin filter was reported.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.356.0029
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