PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 356 - The 4th KMI International Symposium (KMI2019) - Posters
Verification of the compound nuclear model for T-violation search
T. Yamamoto*, H.M. Shimizu, K. Ishizaki, Y. Niinomi, M. Kitaguchi, S. Takada, J. Koga, S. Makise, T. Yoshioka, A. Kimura, K. Sakai, T. Oku, T. Okudaira, S. Endo, Y. Tani, H. Fujioka, H. Yoshikawa, K. Hirota and T. Shima
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Pre-published on: November 14, 2019
Published on: December 23, 2019
Large sources of parity violation have been observed in compound nuclear reactions. These enhancements are described by the compound nuclear model, which can be used to describe the angular correlation of $\gamma$-rays produced in $(\rm{n},\gamma)$ reactions in medium-heavy nuclei. It has also been suggested that these same reactions could lead to a similar enhancement in time reversal violating processes. Therefore, we are interested in verifying the compound nuclear model by studying the $(\rm{n},\gamma)$ reaction using polarized neutrons. In this paper, we discuss the installation and characterization of a neutron polarizer used in the $(\rm{n},\gamma)$ measurement with transversely polarized neutrons.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.356.0042
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