Aim: As a measurement of distance modulus for type
Ia supernovae becomes more stringent, it is important to study various
systematics for the unbiased measurement of cosmological parameters.
In this paper, the effects of gravitational lensing magnification on
the measurement of supernovae distance modulus and estimation of
cosmological parameters are presented.
Method: We use Hyper Suprime-Cam survey data to
estimate the interbening large-scale structure. Two distinct methods
are applied; one based on weak lensing mass reconstruction and the
other based on the galaxy distribution. Then those estimations are
converted to predict the possible magnification of individual supernova.
Results: We find a very weak correlation between the
Hubble residuals and magnification and that the Omega_m and dark
energy parameter w alters best fit values by O(1) level.
Conclusion: The effect of magnification can be
vanishingly small given the current SNLS supernovae sample; however,
it becomes important in the era of LSST and WFIRST where the number of
supernovae is dramatically increase.