PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 362 - Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XIII (MULTIF2019) - Astrophysics of High Energy Cosmic Sources
A Multifrequency Catalog of Magnetic CVs
P. Mason*, L.C. Monroy, N.K. Wells and J.B. Santana
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Pre-published on: November 23, 2020
Published on: December 03, 2020
We present a new multi-frequency catalog of polars and intermediate polars (IPs) called MCV- Catalog-1.0. The need for a new catalog of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables (MCVs) is becoming increasingly important. The number of known and suspected cataclysmic variables (CVs) has doubled in just the last few years. It is expected to balloon by another factor of 10 in the next decade or so as several optical surveys, like LSST, take place. By establishing a catalog containing only magnetic CVs, i.e. MVCs, we have the freedom to tailor the catalog to a relatively homogeneous set of binaries. Along with cataloging the discovery of many new binaries, MCV-Catalog will keep track of poorly observed systems. Many of the most important astrophysical problems associated with accretion-binary astrophysics require the long-term study of a large sample of binaries. Multi-frequency and even multi-messenger observations are vital in developing our understanding of the interplay between gravity, angular momentum, magnetic fields, and fluid flow, characteristic of MCVs. Many studies focus on the hot new discoveries of albeit interesting binaries. By necessity, priorities are made and many binaries remain known but poorly studied. For this reason we find that MCV-catalog is a useful observing tool, and as a starting point for multi-frequency studies of MCVs. We anticipate that the MCV-catalog, established maintained by Picture Rocks Observatory, will be a ‘living’ catalog, beginning with all confirmed MCVs by January, 2020. New binaries will be added as they are reported and new data will be periodically added as they become available. Here we present a brief summary of the MCV-Catalog contents.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.362.0055
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