PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 362 - Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XIII (MULTIF2019) - Jet Sources & Gamma-Ray Bursts
Large-Scale Hydrodynamic Simulations of Astrophysical Jets
J. Beall*, K. Lind, D.V. Rose, M. T._Wolff, I. van_der_Westhuizen, B. van_Soelen and P. Meintjes
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Pre-published on: November 27, 2020
Published on: December 03, 2020
We present recent results for fully three-dimensional (3-D) relativistic hydrodynamic (RHD), and relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic (RMHD) simulations of astrophysical jets. These efforts use the PLUTO code (Mignone \textit{et al. 2007}) run in a highly parallelized environment. Here, we focus on especially long term simulations of the jet evolution.
This work is an extension of simulations reported earlier (Beall et al., 2018), and shows the total time evolution of the RMHD jet increased by a factor of two, or roughly 250,000 cpu hours of computer time and a total of 50 terabytes of data. This extends the previous work from 125,000 cpu hours and 25 terabytes of data, and provides an important test of the stability of the solvers used in our simulations. We also show an estimation of the 15 GHz radio flux based on our RHD simulations post-processed to show the fully 3-dimensional radio-emission from the astrophysical jets. We do this in order to guide us in our expectations for the possible separate locations of the radio and $\gamma$-ray emission locations for a jet. {\it It has not escaped our notice that this analysis naturally explains the apparent separation between radio and $\gamma$-ray emission in some astrophysical sources
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.362.0061
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