The strong coupling from $e^+e^-$ → hadrons below charm threshold
D. Boito*, M. Golterman, A. Keshavarzi, K. Maltman, D. Nomura, S. Peris and T. Teubner
Pre-published on:
June 10, 2020
Published on:
November 12, 2020
We present our recent results on the extraction of the strong coupling, $\alpha_s$, from a new compilation of the hadronic $R$-ratio obtained from the available data for $e^+e^- \to {\rm hadrons}$. The determination uses all data up to $s=4$~GeV$^2$, where $s$ is the square of the center-of-mass energy. We obtain competitive values with only a small contamination from non-perturbative effects and with smaller theoretical uncertainties than the extractions from hadronic $\tau$ decays.
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