Study of a Triggered, Full Event Zero-Suppressed Front-End Readout Chain operating up to 1 MHz Trigger Rate and Pileup of 300 for CMS Outer Tracker upgrade at HL-LHC
S. Scarfi'*, G. Bergamin, A. Caratelli, L. Caponetto, D. Ceresa, G. Galbit, S. Jain, K. Kloukinas, Y. Leblebici, B. Nodari, S. Viret on behalf of the CMS Tracker Group
Pre-published on:
March 06, 2020
Published on:
April 21, 2020
The CMS Outer Tracker at HL-LHC will have to cope with pileup of 300 events per bunch cross-
ing and a trigger rate of up to 1 MHz. The front-end electronics readout chain consists of read-
out ASICs connected to a data concentrator ASIC featuring zero-suppression. This contribution
presents the methodology and the analysis work for the buffer sizing and exception handling fea-
turing a robust data readout synchronization, with an event loss probability lower than 0.1 % at
the highest pileup condition and a power density lower than 100 mW/cm$^2$ .
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