Reaching out to our youth
J.S. Verrall* and S. Razzaque
Pre-published on:
December 15, 2020
Published on:
April 02, 2021
One of the main goals of the outreach activities by the Centre for Astro-Particle Physics (CAPP) at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) is to understand to what extent South African high school students are aware of astronomy/ astrophysics. CAPP will share what they have done so far in order to reach out to high school students. Adopting strategies from research or suggestions from experienced persons will be used to motivate students into astrophysics and science in general. In today's society one of the best platforms to get information to our youth is social media. It is one of the main platforms of interaction for millennials and generation Z. The social media platforms being used by CAPP will also be mentioned. Ideally students one day will be able to see a future for themselves in astrophysics.
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