PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 375 - 14th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR2019) - Infrared Resummation
Wilson-line geometries and the relation between IR singularities of form factors and the large-x limit of DGLAP splitting functions
C. Milloy*, G. Falcioni and E. Gardi
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Pre-published on: December 19, 2019
Published on: February 18, 2020
We discuss the relation between the infrared singularities of on-shell partonic form factors and parton distribution functions (PDFs) near the elastic limit, through their factorisation in terms of Wilson-line correlators. Ultimately we identify the difference between the anomalous dimensions controlling single poles of these two quantities to all loops in terms of the closed parallelogram Wilson loop. To arrive at this result we first use the common hard-collinear behaviour of the two to derive a relation between their respective soft singularities, and then show that the latter is manifested in terms of differing Wilson-line geometries. We perform explicit diagrammatic calculations in configuration space through two loops to verify the relation. More generally, the emerging picture allows us to classify collinear singularities in eikonal quantities depending on whether they are associated with finite (closed) Wilson-line segments or infinite (open) ones.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.375.0055
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