New PHENIX Results on Mid-Rapidity Bottom and Charm Production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 200 GeV
A. Khatiwada* and On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Published on:
September 01, 2021
Energy loss of quarks in the hot and dense medium has been studied for decades. Both the experimental and theoretical efforts have hinted that the energy loss is quark mass dependent. Although experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have found that the electrons from heavy quarks are less or similarly suppressed compared to the light hadrons, the mass ordering of the suppression between charm and bottom quarks is not yet clear due to large experimental uncertainties. We have fully exploited the events recorded at mid-rapidity in Au+Au collisions at center-of-mass energy of 200 GeV by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC to study the invariant yield of electrons from open heavy flavors. Latest results on the nuclear modification factors for charm and bottom separated heavy flavor electrons are reviewed in this proceeding. The implications of these results on the understanding of the quark mass and medium size dependence of the energy loss are also discussed.
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