Multiplicity dependence of $D$ and $J/\psi$ production in small collision systems
Y.Q. Ma, T. Stebel, R. Venugopalan and K. Watanabe*
Published on:
September 01, 2021
We discuss open heavy flavor ($D$-meson) and quarkonium ($J/\psi$) production in high multiplicity proton-proton ($p+p$) and proton-nucleus ($p+A$) collisions at the LHC in the impact parameter dependent saturation model. A key ingredient in our calculations is the fluctuations of the gluon saturation scale at large-$x$ at each impact parameter, reflecting rare parton configurations inside the projectile and target. Such initial state fluctuations have been used to describe the multiplicity distribution of $D$-meson and $J/\psi$ production yield at mid rapidity in small collision systems at the LHC. In these proceedings, we examine the rapidity dependence of $J/\psi$ production and emphasize its importance in constraining initial state models of high multiplicity events in small systems.
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