PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 387 - 10th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (HardProbes2020) - Jets and High Momentum Hadrons
Jet quenching and scaling properties of medium-evolved gluon cascade in expanding media
S.P. Adhya*, C. Salgado, M. Spousta and K. Tywoniuk
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Published on: September 01, 2021
We present a study of the impact of the expansion of deconfined medium on single-gluon emission spectra and the jet suppression factor ($Q_{AA}$) within the BDMPS-Z formalism. These quantities are calculated for three types of media (static medium, exponentially decaying medium and Bjorken expanding medium). The distribution of medium-induced gluons and the jet $Q_{AA}$ are calculated using the evaluation of in-medium evolution with splitting kernels derived from the gluon emission spectra. Scaling behavior of splitting kernels is derived for low-x and high-x regimes in the asymptote of large times and its impact on the resulting jet $Q_{AA}$ is discussed. For the full phase space of the radiation, the scaling of jet $Q_{AA}$ with an effective quenching parameter is presented.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.387.0129
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