Semi-automated BSM model building procedures in MARTY-1.1 through a 2HDM example
G. Uhlrich*, F. Mahmoudi and A. Arbey
Published on:
May 10, 2021
MARTY is a C++ computer algebra system specialized for High Energy Physics that can calculate amplitudes, squared amplitudes and Wilson coefficients in a large variety of beyond the Standard Model scenarios up to the one-loop order. It is fully independent of any other framework and its main development guideline is generality, in order to be adapted easily to any type of model. The calculations are fully automated from the Lagrangian up to the generation of the C++ code evaluating the theoretical results (numerically, depending on the model parameters). Once a phenomenological tool chain has been set up - from a Lagrangian to observable analysis - it can be used in a model independent way leaving only model building, with MARTY, as the task to be performed by physicists. Here we present the main steps to build a general new physics model, namely gauge group, particle content, representations, replacements, rotations and symmetry breaking, using the example of a 2 Higgs Doublet Model. The sample codes that are shown for this example can be easily generalized to any Beyond the Standard Model scenario written with MARTY.
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