We present here two separate projects.
The first is a phase-space generator, dubbed SingularPhasespace. It is designed to help probe the singular limits of NLO simulations. It is hoped this will prove to be a useful tool for developers. The user (or SingularPhasespace) chooses an initial momentum configuration for the hard process and then new events are generated that are successively more and more singular. This is done whilst trying to keep as close to the initial event as possible. This allows for a clear understanding of how the simulation behaves in the singular limit.
The second project is our implementation of `helicity recycling' within MadGraph_aMC@NLO. This is a restructuring of the code that allows the program to recycle parts of the matrix-element calculation when summing it over helicities. This optimisation is applicable to all LO processes. For complex processes we can see a speed up of a factor of ${\sim}2\times$.