PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 393 - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2020 (ACSC2020) - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2020
'Let's talk about science!' A report on the ÖCSK workshop about making science communication attractive for academics
B. Heinisch*, R. Stocker and E. Topitz
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Published on: April 12, 2021
Citizen science and science communication go hand in hand as communication between researchers and participants is crucial in citizen science projects. A workshop about science communication during the ÖCSK 2020 Conference embedded citizen science and science communication in the third mission of universities. It invited participants to join in on a thought experiment based on future thinking and to share their science communication experiences. The results showed that researchers engaging in science communication, especially with the participants in their projects, require competences and resources to do so. However, communication is also relevant within the project team, with other researchers (who are not engaging in citizen science) and traditional media.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.393.0004
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