PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 393 - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2020 (ACSC2020) - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2020
The characteristics of citizen science in a fishbowl
G. Hager*, B. Kieslinger, S. Hecker and M. Haklay
Full text: pdf
Published on: April 12, 2021
This paper reports on a workshop during the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2020 that allowed discursive conversation about the reasoning and the formation of opinions around assessing short case descriptions as citizen science, or not. Debater’s opinions on cases seemed fluid and often changed when new information became available. Hence, the discussions highlighted that the understanding of Citizen Science is fluid and dynamically evolving as we speak.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.393.0024
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