Tetraquark channels with $\bar b b$ pair in the static limit
M. Sadl* and S. Prelovsek
Pre-published on:
May 16, 2022
Published on:
July 08, 2022
Belle experiment discovered two hadrons with exotic quark content $Z_b^+\simeq \bar bb \bar du$. We present a lattice study of the $\bar bb\bar du$ systems with various quantum numbers using static bottom quarks. Only one set of quantum numbers that couples to $Z_b$ and $\Upsilon\;\pi$ was explored on the lattice before: these studies found an attractive potential between $B$ and $\bar B^*$ which leads to a bound state below the threshold. In the present study, we consider the other three sets of quantum numbers. Eigen-energies of the $\bar bb \bar du$ system are extracted as a function of separation between $b$ and $\bar b$. The resulting eigen-energies do not show any sizable deviation from non-interacting energies of the systems $\bar bb+\bar du$ and $\bar bu+\bar db$, so no significant attraction or repulsion is found. A slight exception is a small attraction between $B$ and $\bar B^*$ at small distance for the quantum number that couples to $Z_b$ and $\eta_b\;\rho$.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.396.0427
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