PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 401 - High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa 2021 (HEASA2021) - Session: Pulsars
Low power pulsed emission at the spin period of the white dwarf in AR Scorpii?
Q. Kaplan*, P. Meintjes and D.H.J. van Heerden
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Pre-published on: December 13, 2021
Published on: May 30, 2022
Previous high energy studies of AR Sco suggest that the surrounding region complicates the search for $\gamma$-ray emission from this close binary system. The fact that AR Sco lies close to the Galactic plane, Rho Oph cloud complex and strong nearby VHE Fermi sources, make it difficult to constrain and quantify an upper-limit of the emission from AR Sco’s location in the sky. In this study, a search for high energy $\gamma$-ray emission was conducted to identify possible pulsed emission signatures within or above the noise level. Period analysis revealed low-level but consistent emission at the spin period of the white dwarf ($P_s = 117 \ \rm{sec}$), using Fermi-LAT data from the past decade. Control analysis appears to show a decrease in signal strength at the spin period in regions further away from the coordinates centred on AR Sco, which may indicate the presence of low-level pulsed $\gamma$-ray emission from AR Sco.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.401.0045
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