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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 405 - 7th Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, DISCRETE 2020-2021 (DISCRETE2020-2021) - Parallel sessions Monday
CPT violation and neutrino oscillation experiments
C. Ternes
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: March 03, 2022
Published on: October 05, 2022
In this talk I discuss neutrino oscillations with different oscillation parameters for neutrinos and antineutrinos. According to the CPT theorem neutrinos and antineutrinos should behave the same, except for effects of the CP-phase δ. I discuss the bounds that can be put on the differences between neutrino and antineutrino parameters from current neutrino and antineutrino data. I also discuss prospects for future experiments, and in particular some interesting scenarios that arise in the context of CPT violation, such as impostor solutions. I also discuss mimicking effects between CPT-violating neutrino oscillations and non standard neutrino interactions.
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