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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 405 - 7th Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, DISCRETE 2020-2021 (DISCRETE2020-2021) - Parallel sessions Tuesday
Search for K+ decays to a lepton and invisible particles
R. Volpe
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: June 23, 2022
Published on: October 05, 2022
The NA62 experiment at CERN reports searches for
K+e+N, K+μ+N and K+μ+X decays,
where N and X are massive invisible particles, using the 2016-2018 data set.
The N particle is assumed to be a heavy neutral lepton, and the results are expressed as upper limits
of O(109) and O(108) on the neutrino mixing parameter |Ue4|2 and |Uμ4|2,
improving on the earlier searches for heavy neutral lepton production and decays in the kinematically accessible mass range.
The X particle is considered a scalar or vector hidden sector mediator decaying to an invisible final
state, and upper limits of the decay branching fraction for X masses in the range 10-370 MeV/c2 are
reported for the first time, ranging from O(105) to O(107).
An upper limit of
is established
at 90\% CL on the
K+μ+ννˉν branching fraction.
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