We investigate the discovery prospects for scalar and fermionic particles with electric charges
that are singlet under
SU(2)L. We calculate lower mass bounds for open channel production mode coming from ATLAS/CMS and MoEDAL experiments, and limits from searches for positronium-like bound states (closed channel) decaying to two photons. Open channel searches by ATLAS and CMS are more sensitive for 1e≤|Q|≤5e, while closed channel searches prevail for 6e≤|Q|≤8e. Sensitivity of MoEDAL is comparable to large experiments for charges 4e≤|Q|≤7e, and has the potential to even outperform ATLAS and CMS during the HL-LHC phase. The predicted lower mass bounds for Run 3 LHC span from 590 (940) GeV for |Q|=1e to 2190 (2320) GeV for |Q|=8e for scalars (fermions). In case of the HL-LHC limits are
630 (990) GeV for |Q|=1e to 2480 (2620) GeV for |Q|=8e for scalar (fermionic) particles.