The Significance of Human Weather- and Impact- Reports from a National and International Perspective
T. Krennert*, R. Kaltenberger and A. Schaffhauser
Published on:
January 02, 2023
Since 2019 human weather- and impact observations are available to the Austrian national weather service Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik ZAMG, generated with the help from the web-app These observations provide additional sources of information about the impacts of weather on the ground, the „ground truth “. Thus, an instantaneous feedback loop between disseminated weather warnings and impact reports can be established in real time, which is crucial to ZAMG as a consultative part of the Austrian National Crisis and Disaster Management SKKM. Further, these reports are utilized for forensic damage assessment after extreme weather events and for climate impact research. ZAMG offers a standardized training concept for weather enthusiasts and lay persons, improving the reliability of their reports. Fully trained observers are members of the Trusted Spotter Network Austria. Together with other European National Weather Services (NMHSs), ZAMG is committed to swap and standardize impact reports for cross border extreme weather events. Also, the observer training and exchange protocols will be standardized for warning purposes and scientific research, respectively. This article extends our poster presentation at the Austrian Citizen Science Conference in June 2022.
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