PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 407 - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022 (ACSC2022) - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022
What do we know about the effects of Citizen Science on Participants' Knowledge?
L. Finger*, V. van den Bogaert, K. Sommer and J. Wirth
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Published on: January 02, 2023
One of the central goals of Citizen Science (CS) is to provide individual benefits for participants, such as promoting interest as well as building knowledge (effects on personal characteristics).
There is an increasing number of empirical studies that investigate how participants benefit from CS in terms of increased knowledge. Since the question of what benefits participants can derive from CS also relates to the motto of the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022, parts of this manuscript were presented in a talk. To enable generalizable conclusions about the effect of CS on the participants’ knowledge, we summariz e the results of those studies systematically and their results are reflected against the background of their research designs.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.407.0014
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