PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 409 - Computational Tools for High Energy Physics and Cosmology (CompTools2021) - session Dark Matter
DarkSUSY 6.3 – Freeze-in, out-of-equilibrium freeze-out, cosmic-ray upscattering and further new features
T. Bringmann* and J. Edsjo
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Published on: July 14, 2022
DarkSUSY is a versatile tool for precision calculations of a large variety of dark matter-related signals, ranging from predictions for the dark matter relic density to dark matter self-interactions and rates relevant for direct and indirect detection experiments. In all of these areas significant new code additions have been made in recent years, since the release of DarkSUSY 6 in 2018, which we summarize in this overview. In particular, DarkSUSY now allows users to compute the relic density for feebly interacting massive particles via the freeze-in mechanism, but also offers new routines for freeze-out calculations in the presence of secluded dark sectors as well as for models where kinetic equilibrium is not fully established during the freeze-out process. On the direct detection side, the effect of cosmic-ray upscattering of dark matter has been fully implemented, leading to a subdominant relativistic component in the expected dark matter flux at Earth. Finally, updated yields relevant for indirect searches with gamma rays, neutrinos or charged cosmic rays have been added; the new default spectra are based on a large number of Pythia 8 runs, but users can also easily switch between various alternative spectra. Further code details, including a manual and various concrete example applications, are provided at www.darksusy.org.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.409.0038
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