WG6 Summary: Higgs, top, and interplay between flavour and high-$p_\textrm{T}$ physics
U. De Sanctis* and M. Komm
Pre-published on:
January 13, 2023
Published on:
June 16, 2023
In this contribution a summary of the activities of the Working Group 6 (WG6) during the 11th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM2021) is reported. The WG6 is devoted to Higgs and top physics and the interplay between flavour and high-$p_\textrm{T}$ physics. The newest results presented and the most interesting topics discussed during WG6 sessions are listed in this document.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.411.0024
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