New physics contributions to $Wtb$ anomalous couplings and top-quark decay.
A. Tiwari* and S.K. Gupta
Pre-published on:
December 03, 2022
Published on:
June 15, 2023
In this work, we study the new physics effects arising due the presence of anomalous $Wtb$ vertex through the semileptonic decay modes of the top-quark at the Large Hadron Collider. An estimate on the sensitivities of the aforementioned interaction at 5$\sigma$ CL in the context of top-quark decay-width measurements and cross-section measurements would also be discussed for the pre-existing 13 TeV LHC data and its projections for the proposed LHC runs at 14 TeV, 27 TeV and 100 TeV. We also incorporate the $\mathcal CP$-violating effects to such interactions by constructing the $\mathcal CP$-violating asymmetries.
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