The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) provides unique opportunities to directly search for new physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). Long-lived particles (LLPs) with large masses, which are absent in
the Standard Model, can occur in many theories of physics BSM. These
new massive LLPs can decay into other particles away from the LHC collision point,
resulting in unusual experimental signatures and hence requiring customized and
complex experimental techniques to identify them. Previously, the ATLAS experiment
did not have dedicated triggers to explicitly identify massive LLPs decaying in the inner
tracking detectors using tracking information. To enhance the sensitivity of searches, a
series of new triggers customized for various unconventional tracking signatures, such
as "displaced" tracks and short tracks which "disappear" within the tracking detector,
have been developed and will be utilized in the upcoming Run-3 data taking starting
from 2022. The development of these triggers and their expected performance will be