PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 423 - 27th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS) - Air shower physics and Hadronic interactions
Approximation of the lateral distribution function of the Cherenkov light from extensive air showers in the primary energy region 1-100 PeV.
V. Latypova*, C. Azra, E. Bonvech, D. Chernov, V. Galkin, V. Ivanov, D. Podgrudkov and T.M. Roganova
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Pre-published on: February 15, 2023
Published on: December 14, 2023
Cherenkov light lateral distribution function approximation that describes an individual extensive air shower was found. It is designed for showers from various primary nuclei in the 1--100 PeV energy range with zenith angles up to 20$^\circ$ and distances from the shower axis of up to 500 meters. Approximation accuracy is better than 10%. Initially, the approximation was intended for processing events of the SPHERE-2 experiment, but it can also be applied to any other experiment that uses the Cherenkov light lateral distribution function at the ground level. A comparison was made with simpler approximating functions used in the SPHERE-2 processing and in the TAIGA experiment.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.423.0069
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