PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 426 - High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa 2022 (HEASA2022) - Posters
Characterising the KL4040 sCMOS camera for use on the Boyden 1.5m Telescope
W. Smit*, H. van Heerden and B. van Soelen
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: November 30, 2023
Published on: December 27, 2023
sCMOS sensors have become more popular in astrophysics research due to the lower price and
availability versus CCDs, but also due to their fast readout speed and low read noise. However,
the technology that sCMOS utilise is different than CCD. Therefore, data processing must be
performed differently for sCMOS sensors as compared to CCD data. In this proceedings we
report on the testing of the bias and dark current behaviour of the Kepler KL4040 by Finger Lake
Instruments for use at the UFS-Boyden Observatory. Bias frames were analysed, and it was found
that the mean bias counts increase by ≈ 8.24 percent as the temperature increases from -15 to
10 degrees Celsius. The average standard deviation is only 5 counts, the maximum deviation
being only 2.34 percent higher. The average dark current as a function of exposure time was
investigated, from 0.1 s to 300 s, at absolute temperatures of -5, -10 and -15◦C and the Dark
Signal Non-Uniformity (DSNU) was calculated for each series of dark frames. The rate of the
Dark Noise increase clearly shows linear trends for all the temperatures.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.426.0054
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