Computer-assisted school experiments as a method for improvement of students’ knowledge in mechanics and atomic/molecular physics in secondary school
F. Kunis*, K. Ilchev, M. Stoyanova, V. Dimova, T. Genova-Atanasova, A. Markovski and C. Andreeva
Published on:
October 02, 2023
We investigate the possibility to improve the effectiveness of school teaching in physics by means of introducing a partially computer-based learning experiment. More specifically, we focused on the preparation and implementation of laboratory exercises in the fields of "Mechanics" and "Atomic/molecular physics" according to the educational content in physics in secondary schools in Bulgaria. The laboratory practicum which we offer for implementation was performed by a small group of 10-th grade (16-year old) students and we present the results as a case study. The pre- and post-practice survey identified areas where significant improvement was observed, as well as some that require additional approaches to overcome difficulties. The results of the research confirm the formulated hypothesis and give reason to claim that the use of a physical experiment in physics education leads to improving the understanding of the basic concepts in the field of mechanics and atomic/molecular physics; improving skills for working with certain devices and computer programs; creating a better understanding of scientific experiment and its relationship to the physical theory.
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