Isovector Axial Form Factor of the Nucleon from Lattice QCD
J.Ā Koponen*, D.Ā Djukanovic, G.Ā von Hippel, H.B.Ā Meyer, K.Ā Ottnad, T.Ā Schulz and H.Ā Wittig
Pre-published on:
December 06, 2022
Published on:
April 06, 2023
The isovector axial form factor of the nucleon plays a key role in interpreting data from long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. We present a lattice QCD calculation of this form factor, introducing a new method to directly extract its š¯‘§-expansion from lattice correlators. Our final parameterization of the form factor, which extends up to spacelike virtualities of 0.7 GeV^2 with fully quantified uncertainties, agrees with previous lattice calculations but is significantly less steep than neutrino-deuterium scattering data suggests.
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