Thermodynamics with Möbius domain wall fermions near physical point II
S. Aoki, Y. Aoki, H. Fukaya, J. Goswami, S. Hashimoto, I. Kanamori*, T. Kaneko and Y. Zhang
Pre-published on:
February 27, 2023
Published on:
April 06, 2023
We report on our finite temperature 2+1 flavor lattice QCD simulation to study the thermodynamic
properties of QCD near the (pseudo) critical point employing N_T = 12 and 16. The simulation
points are chosen along the lines of constant physics. The quark mass for Möbius domain-wall
fermion are tuned by taking into account the residual mass either by fine-tuning the input quark
masses or by post-process using reweighting. In this talk, we focus on simulation details and
present some preliminary results.
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