Using the high statistics datasets of the HotQCD Collaboration,
generated with the HISQ (2+1)-flavor action for light and strange quarks,
and treating the charm sector in the quenched approximation, we analyze
the second and fourth order cumulants of charm fluctuations and
the correlations of charm with lighter conserved flavor quantum numbers.
We can make use of a factor 100 larger statistics on ${N_\tau =8}$ lattices which
never have been used in studies of charm fluctuations.
Analyzing correlations of charm fluctuations with baryon number and
electric charge fluctuations we can project onto charmed baryon and
meson correlations and compare results with quark model extended hadron
resonance gas model calculations. We aim at a precise determination of
the dissociation temperature of charmed hadrons and will probe the
sensitivity of the fluctuations observables to the presence of
multiple-charmed baryons.