Recent results from the FASTSUM Collaboration
C. Allton*, G. Aarts, R. Bignell, T. Burns, S. Chaves, S. Hands, B. Jäger, S. Kim, M.P. Lombardo, B. Page, S.M. Ryan, J.I. Skullerud, T. Spriggs and for the FASTSUM collaboration
Pre-published on:
January 23, 2023
Published on:
April 06, 2023
The FASTSUM Collaboration has developed a comprehensive research programme in thermal QCD using 2+1 flavour, anisotropic ensembles. In this talk, we summarise some of our recent results including thermal hadron spectrum calculations using our "Generation 2L" ensembles which have pion masses of 239(1) MeV. These include open charm mesons and charm baryons. We also summarise our work using the Backus Gilbert approach to determining the spectral function of the NRQCD bottomonium system. Finally, we review our determination of the interquark potential in the same system, but using our "Generation 2" ensembles which have heavier pion masses of 384(4) MeV.
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