Open Science in Lattice Gauge Theory community
A. Athenodorou*, E. Bennett, J. Lenz and E. Papadopoullou
Pre-published on:
December 28, 2022
Published on:
April 06, 2023
Open science aims to make scientific research processes, tools and results accessible to all scientific communities, creating trust in science and enabling digital competences to be realized in research, leading to increased innovation. It provides standard and transparent pathways to conducting research and fosters best practices for collecting, analysing, preserving, sharing and reusing data, software, workflows and other outputs through collaborative networks. Open Science appears to be becoming the norm with its applications spanning throughout the whole research cycle of a project. The importance of making Open Science a reality is nowadays reflected in funding policies, research infrastructure and politics. In these proceedings we present the basic Open Science principles explaining briefly best practices for materialising Open Science. Subsequently, we present the results of the landscaping survey of Open Science in the Lattice Gauge Theories community. Finally, we provide directions in which the Lattice Gauge Theory community could move in order to enhance Openness and FAIRness (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) in Science.
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