RG-running of the tensor currents for $N_{f}$= 3 QCD in a $\chi$SF setup
I. Campos Plasencia, M. Dalla Brida, G. Maria de Divitiis, A. Lytle, L. Pirelli*, M. Papinutto, A. Vladikas and Alpha Collaboration
Pre-published on:
March 22, 2023
Published on:
April 06, 2023
We present the preliminary results of the non-perturbative running of the flavour non-singlet tensor operator in the high-energy range $2~\rm{GeV}\lesssim \mu\lesssim 128~\rm{GeV}$ in $N_f=3$ massless QCD, comparing four different definitions of the renormalisation constant. We use the configuration ensembles of arXiv:1802.05243 and arXiv:1607.06423, subject to Schroedinger functional (SF) boundary conditions, and valence quarks with chirally rotated Schroedinger functional ($\chi$SF) boundary conditions. Provided that boundary counterterms have been appropriately tuned, this results in O($a$) improvement of the tensor operator, without the need of a dimension-4 Symanzik counterterm (proportional to $c_T$).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.430.0356
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