A high-intensity polarized beam has to be delivered to the P2 experiment at Mainz Energy Recovering Superconducting Accelerator Facility (MESA). The ฮ๐/๐ error of the beam polarization
should be โค 1 %. To track the polarization, a Mott polarimeter will be installed after the pre-acceleration of the polarized beam to 5 MeV energy. The goal of this work is to deploy a 5 MeV
Mott polarimeter for high polarized beam current โ 150 ยตA with โค 1 % precision. For that, feasible geometries and the detection system are under investigation based on 5 MeV Mott polarimeter
from Jefferson Lab and 3.5 MeV Mott polarimeter from Mainz Microtron (MAMI).