PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 436 - Corfu Summer Institute 2022 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity" (CORFU2022) - Workshop on Features of a Quantum de Sitter Universe
Characters, Quasinormal Modes, and Quantum de Sitter Thermodynamics
Y.T.A. Law
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Published on: November 08, 2023
In this short note, we review some recent progress in understanding the 1-loop corrections to the
Gibbons-Hawking entropy, which amounts to studying free fields on the de Sitter static patch and
the round sphere. After briefly surveying the unitary irreducible representations of the de Sitter
group $SO(1,d+1)$ and their Harish-Chandra characters, we discuss the Lorentzian interpretation
for the 1-loop sphere path integral for a scalar. After that we comment on how the results are
modified by edge contributions for spinning fields.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.436.0130
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