Towards a high-precision description of the ρ and K* resonances
N.P. Lachini*, P. Boyle, F. Erben, V. Gülpers, M. T. Hansen, F. Joswig, M. Marshall and A. Portelli
Pre-published on:
November 30, 2024
Published on:
December 13, 2024
We summarise our determination of the $\rho$ and $K^*$ resonance parameters from lattice QCD at a physical pion mass. The methods for computing correlation functions and extracting energy levels from an RBC-UKQCD domain-wall fermion ensemble are reviewed. We use the finite-volume spectra from lattice irreducible representations with only leading $P$-wave contributions to constrain the elastic $K\pi$ and $\pi\pi$ scattering amplitudes and the associated resonance pole positions. Lastly, our estimation of systematic errors through a model-averaging technique is outlined and a conclusion is given.
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