The conference takes place at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and is organized by the EU-funded EuroPLEx, the European network for Particle Physics, Lattice field theory and Extreme computing.
This is the final EuroPLEx network event, open to a large audience to showcase EuroPLEx network activity and results. The conference programme includes presentations on the main EuroPLEx research achievements and a series of invited talks held by experts in theoretical High-Energy Physics, Lattice Gauge Theory, Machine Learning and High-Performance Computing.
Editorial Board
Lorenzo Barca;; DESY (Germany)
Gabriel James Stockton Bliard;; Laboratoire de Physique de l’École Normale Supérieure (France)
Francesco Di Renzo;; Universita' di Parma (Italy)
Petros Dimopoulos;; Universita' di Parma (Italy)
Valentina Forini;; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)
Nelson Lachini;; University of Oxford (UK)
Alessandro Lupo;; CPT Marseille (France)
Simran Singh;; University of Bielefeld (Germany)
Rainer Sommer;; DESY (Germany)
Sessions |
Plenary Session |
Poster Session |
Plenary Session |
Generating configurations of increasing lattice size with machine learning and the inverse renormalization group PoS(EuroPLEx2023)001 pdf |
Progress on nucleon transition matrix elements with a lattice QCD variational analysis PoS(EuroPLEx2023)002 pdf |
B-physics observables in the continuum from a combination of static and relativistic results PoS(EuroPLEx2023)005 pdf |
Future trends in lattice QCD simulations PoS(EuroPLEx2023)009 pdf |
Beyond the electroquenched approximation PoS(EuroPLEx2023)011 pdf |
Towards the understanding of the inclusive vs exclusive puzzles in the |Vcb| determinations PoS(EuroPLEx2023)012 pdf |
Next challenges in semileptonic B decays PoS(EuroPLEx2023)013 pdf |
Towards a high-precision description of the ρ and K* resonances PoS(EuroPLEx2023)017 pdf |
The $B \rightarrow \pi \pi \ell \bar{\nu}$ transition PoS(EuroPLEx2023)018 pdf |
Approaches to the Inverse Problem PoS(EuroPLEx2023)019 pdf |
Surprises on the way to the QCD phase diagram PoS(EuroPLEx2023)021 pdf |
Gauge field smearing and controlled continuum extrapolations PoS(EuroPLEx2023)022 pdf |
Responsible Analytics PoS(EuroPLEx2023)023 pdf |
Electric dipole moments: a gateway to new physics PoS(EuroPLEx2023)024 pdf |
What we can learn about Lee-Yang zeros from lattice simulations of QCD PoS(EuroPLEx2023)025 pdf |
Universal properties of Yang-Lee edge singularity and QCD phase diagram PoS(EuroPLEx2023)026 pdf |
Poster Session |
Taming NSPT fluctuations in O(N) Non-Linear Sigma Model: simulations in the large N regime PoS(EuroPLEx2023)030 pdf |
Bootstrapping perturbative and non-perturbative defect correlators PoS(EuroPLEx2023)031 pdf |
The chiral condensate at large $N$ using volume reduction PoS(EuroPLEx2023)032 pdf |
$D$ and $D_s$ decay constants from $N_f = 2 + 1$ lattice QCD PoS(EuroPLEx2023)033 pdf |
An update on supersphere non linear sigma model on the lattice PoS(EuroPLEx2023)034 pdf |
GPU-accelerated Higher Representations of Wilson Fermions with HiRep PoS(EuroPLEx2023)035 pdf |
Determination of the gradient flow scale $t_0$ from a scale-setting approach combining Wilson and Wilson twisted mass valence quarks PoS(EuroPLEx2023)036 pdf |
Lee-Yang edge singularities in QCD: From Fourier coefficients to parametrizations of the universal scaling functions PoS(EuroPLEx2023)037 pdf |
Provenance model for Lattice QCD PoS(EuroPLEx2023)038 pdf |
Octet baryon charges with Nf=2+1 non-perturbatively improved Wilson fermions PoS(EuroPLEx2023)040 pdf |