We give a brief report on the basic properties and cutoff scale of our new configuration set (HAL-Conf-2023).
We generated 8,000 trajectories of the gauge configurations on $96^4$ lattices with the same lattice parameters as the PACS collaboration~\cite{Ishikawa:2018jee, PACS:2019ofv}.
The topological distribution, the PCAC masses, and decay constants for pseudo-scalar mesons are studied.
As for the scale setting, we utilize the $\Omega$ baryon mass as a reference scale and carefully investigate the operator dependence of the correlation function.
As a result, we obtain $a^{-1}=2338.8(1.5)^{+0.2}_{-3.3} \ [{\rm MeV}]$ as a lattice cutoff. Our hadron spectra in the physical unit reproduce well the experimental results.