Glueballs in $N_f=1$ QCD
G. Bergner*, M. Teper, U. Wenger and A. Athenodorou
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Pre-published on: August 30, 2024
Published on: November 06, 2024
We present an evaluation of the glueball spectrum for configurations produced with $N_f=1$ dynamical fermions as a function of the $m_{\rm PCAC}$ mass. We obtained masses of states that fall into the irreducible representations of the octahedral group of rotations in combination with the quantum numbers of charge conjugation $C$ and parity $P$. Due to the low signal to noise ratio, practically, we can only extract masses for the irreducible representations $R^{PC}=$ $A_1^{++}$, $E^{++}$, $T_2^{++}$ as well as $A_1^{-+}$. We make use of the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem (GEVP) with an operator basis consisting only of gluonic operators. Throughout this work we are aiming towards the identification of the effects of light dynamical quarks on the glueball spectrum and how this compares to the statistically more precise spectrum of SU(3) pure gauge theory. We used large gauge ensembles which consist of ${\sim {~\cal O}}(10 {\rm K})$ configurations. Our findings demonstrate that the low-lying spectrum of the scalar, tensor as well as pseudo-scalar glueballs receive negligible contributions from the inclusion of $N_f=1$ dynamical fermions.
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